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Browsing through antiquity (and modern Europe). Harry Kessler’s bibliophile editions of Greco-Roman Classics.

Markus Kersten (Universität Rostock, Germany)

Browsing through antiquity (and modern Europe). Harry Kessler’s bibliophile editions of Greco-Roman Classics.

Markus Kersten (Universität Rostock, Germany)

The initial edition and (if necessary) translation of a text form the basis for its memorization and transmission. But what about books that contain a well-known text or one for which a translation is hardly needed? Since the beginning of book culture, bibliophile editions have been a means for propagating and defining literary ‘classics’. But they are seldom read, especially in modern times. My topic is the relation between bibliophilia and philologia and the specific memorative potential of this relation. I shall discuss the case of the private press of the German count Harry Kessler at Weimar.

In 1926/27 Kessler launched a precious edition of Vergil’s Eclogues with the ‘congenial’ woodcut illustrations by the French sculptor Aristide Maillol. The book (subsequently appraised as the most beautiful of the century) appeared in three bilingual versions with a new German, French, or English translation respectively. Only a few years after the Great War, this edition of a ‘European classic’ claims a decidedly European dimension. However, apparently due to that war, the book’s reception in the three language areas has been confined just to the relevant ‘national’ version – and thus been misunderstood.

The combination of woodcuts and type offers an aesthetic experience that is both ‘classical’ and innovative. The texts do so as well. But, again only in combination. In itself, each version shows some more or less misleading shortcomings in translation or ‘imitation’. But read simultaneously, the editions virtually correct and comment on each other philologically – and thus offer an intellectual interplay of different types of interpretations and appropriations of a well known and yet crucially distant Roman poet.

Only as a whole, the edition becomes meaningful. And as whole, it transcends the idea of a classical edition, since it questions the process of editing, historicizing, and memorizing a classic. This bibliophile book does not monumentalize the Eclogues. Yet it surely idealizes them; for the difficulties in reading this text have never been so beautifully decorated.


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